Say hello to your new life

How to develop yourself on a daily basis and  become the best you can be

To finally enjoy your life!

I am Basma Baouab Master Practitioner in Conversational Hypnosis and Therapies for 7 years.
I help people to connect to their full potential and to the generosity of life so that they have the opportunity to harmonise with their being and their surroundings.
Driven by the results obtained, I have designed a unique and personalised coaching programme called PATH TO YOURSELF.
It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, the imbalance in your life or the lack of harmony you feel, you have the right to a new life, a new start, get help to move forward and :
  • Live in the authenticity of who you really are,
  • Create the life that allows you to build your happiness,
  • Become free, happy and fulfilled in your daily life

Here are 3 good reasons to join us now 

As soon as you subscribe to my monthly newsletter, I'll give you the following as a welcome gift:

❤️ My book : 7 secrets to cultivating self-love. I share with you the essentials on how to cultivate self-love quickly so you can start enjoying life to the fullest.
❤️ Access to the 3BCONNECTED community, a Facebook group where you can chat with us to boost your well-being. 
❤️ A gift: a guided meditation session offered with a lot of love and attention.

Our Motto 

Let's create a better world together and united

A truer world, in harmony and balance with divine nature. 

The traditions and developments of our modern world today - physical, scientific, psychic, technological and spiritual - can enable us to build a world worthy of who we really are...

In this time of great planetary change, 3BCONNECTED is here to support you in living your full potential as the incarnated divinity of your higher self.

To register, click here!

Newsletter subscription

3bconnected for your well-being

It is a concept of life.

It's having the luxury of being yourself, to be free to choose time for yourself. While being trendy, connecting to the evolution of the world and life without losing sight of the meaning we give them.

I help you to understand your patterns and blockages and encourage you to adapt new attitudes and skills in the face of challenges by applying effective coaching and neurotherapy techniques.


L' spirit

The spirit is the totality of mental phenomena and faculties: perception, affectivity, intuition, thought, judgement, morality, etc. In many religious traditions, it is a principle of the incorporeal life of the human being.

And to go a little further, for me it's consciousness that links us to the universal intelligence through which man is free and divine...

L' energy

The term "energy" covers many different realities. Leaving aside its figurative uses, such as "a man full of energy", energy refers to a capacity to act in any way: to set in motion, to heat, to compress, to light, to sound, to transmit information, etc.

The human body needs energy to keep its organs working, maintain a sufficient temperature, enable it to perform its tasks and transform food into a form that the organs can use. The human body is a chemical factory that transforms and consumes energy. The energy contained in food is pre-digested by saliva and then sent to the stomach where it is broken down by digestion into its various components. In the intestine, the energy (mainly from sugar, ideally natural and living sugar from fruit) is recovered and sent into the bloodstream. Unused matter is evacuated. The heart, the pump of the circuit, sends oxygen- and energy-packed blood to the various parts of the body to supply the muscles.... 

Then there's the energy that surrounds us, our energetic body linked to our energy centres (chakras), which is invisible to most of us.

WE ARE IN REALITY BEINGS OF VIBRANT ENERGY, intimately connected to everything else in the universe, via the Universal Energy Field, which knows no limits and sees no limits.

The Universe is a great Field of Universal Energy. We are a vital part of it, - sharing the same energy - "Universal Energy". Modern physics has proved that matter as we know it does not exist, that it is in reality, as Einstein said, only a condensed form of energy and that this energy, in perpetual vibration, is only condensed light.

We thus live in a world of vibrations and not of matter in the rational sense. We ourselves are a collection of vibrations.

It is the slowness of its vibrations that makes our body visible. Thus, biological phenomena are not limited to chemical exchanges; they are part of a vibratory homeostasis in perpetual evolution. When our vibratory rate decreases, our organism runs the risk of entering into resonance with microbes or viruses that would remain harmless if our vibrations remained higher.

Everyone can increase their vibratory level by trying to act on their level of consciousness. There is a wide range of possibilities to increase one's vibratory rate...

The body

The human body is more than what we learn at school. It is the link and signal-bearer between life and survival, between the visible and invisible worlds, between well-being and malaise, between being present and listening to ourselves, to the universe and to our creator. 

The human body is a microcosm in the image of the macrocosm, since it reproduces in miniature the entire cosmos, the divine totality, revealing its participation in all the kingdoms. Guided by the information contained in the DNA molecules, it aims for the supreme goal of becoming a channel for the Light of Consciousness. If we think of the body, we must think of it as an instrument of action, a vehicle for realisation and a power of infinite transformation. Its degree of health corresponds to the degree of love for Life. By placing too much emphasis on spiritual values, we have come to disdain the value of the body, and for centuries this temple of God has been attacked and condemned as contemptible. But how can the soul aspire to fulfilment without the support and collaboration of the physical body? Without the body, the soul has nothing to experience. It is the great enigma to be deciphered, summing up all the aspects and attributes of the cosmos, from which it derives all its dignity. We must cherish it and take great care of it. A Master once said: "In everything is everything that is in everything else. So there is nothing in the Universe that is not in the human body. There is no need to look up to Heaven to find God. He is within us. In fact, the body reveals the formal aspect of creation, with all the elements of nature. It serves as a privileged medium, made up of divine energy concentrated in the world and the universe. The body is as much a part of God as the soul and the spirit. All you have to do is not put your heart and head at the service of your body, but put your body, kept healthy, at the service of your heart and head. The body represents the concrete aspect of creative duality. It serves as a laboratory for the experience of total life. In dreams, the body often evokes the degree of self-esteem and recognition of personal values. Associated with conscious identity, it expresses the way in which we perceive ourselves. It also reveals the degree of health and vitality. 

"the wave of life

Not knowing it is like having a book without reading it. 

For lovers of the conscious being and of life to better know and master it click here 


What they say

Stéphanie .M 


I thank you for the benefits of your sessions. 

I warmly recommend you to anyone who wants to make a change in their life. 



Wow! A +++ Positive experience. 

I feel light, like a baby who has just received its first BREATH. 

I feel at peace with my body and mind. 

Thank you, our beautiful soul. I love you B

Sophie. J


Thank you so much for everything, I feel transformed. Totally detoxed New life!



You have changed my life, thank you for everything, you accompany me in my prayers every day. 

Without even having finished the programme, many things have changed in my life and I see things differently. 

I don't have that emptiness that I used to feel. 


(Re)connecting to yourself

We are all unique, you are unique... get to know yourself and... be yourself!

(Re)connecting to life

Knowing life and its laws allows you to connect, to be in harmony with her. 

Create and co-create

The dream is the internal projection of the image of the final plan of what you can achieve.  

Need a private session? Do not hesitate to contact me

E-mail: [email protected]

Telephone: +32486030963
