May 7

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The Present Moment: towards a less stressful life 

But why are we so bored with "the present moment

Simply because it has something incredible to offer us: letting go, joy, freeing the mind, expressiveness, etc.

It's a natural stress reliever!

By practising it, you can instantly reduce stress, your state of anxiety, your daily concerns and much more. It's a practice you can adopt every day to tame your brain to step back and take the time to listen to your heart ♥︎.

Children naturally live in the moment, and it's this carefree energy that means they don't worry about the before or after...

🧠 Our all-powerful brain

Our brain is made up of roughly speaking into two zones:

  • the posterior part called "survival" or reptilian
  • the front part, known as the "universal" or pre-frontal cortex
Reptilian brain

This is the most primitive part of the brain and is associated with functions essential to survival and instinctive behaviour.

Its role is to detect danger signals and activate the automatic bodily responses associated with stress, such as increased heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle tension and the release of extra energy.

Pre-frontal cortex

It is the most highly evolved part of the human brain and is heavily involved in higher cognitive functions, including emotional control, decision-making, planning, working memory and the regulation of social behaviour.

It plays a crucial role in advanced cognitive, emotional and behavioural control, integrating information from different parts of the brain and coordinating adaptive responses to changing environmental demands. Its development and proper functioning are essential for complex, adaptive human behaviour.

When we discover its 2 main functions, we realise that we are using our "survival" part unreasonably. The dangers we feel are disproportionate to reality - our survival is not in question!

Our brain sends out the wrong signals.

Stress: mental pollution

Stress is comparable to mental pollution in our lives, as it disrupts emotional balance, affects cognitive functioning, disrupts interpersonal relationships, compromises physical health and reduces overall quality of life. Like environmental pollution, stress needs to be managed and mitigated to promote mental health and general well-being. 

What's behind the stress?

The root of stress comes largely from a lack of security, a lack of confidence.

Humans need guarantees and therefore control. The unknown can easily frighten them, so they tend not to take risks.

Our society is well aware of this, because it seeks to reassure us at all costs and even goes so far as to play on our fears in order to control us better and thus distance us from our true essence and our life mission.

True Essence = Life Mission

How can you reduce stress and be in the moment?

  • Meditation, yoga, dance or sound baths can quickly stimulate the brain towards a feeling of security.
  • Sing along! You won't be able to think any more, and you'll be set free in no time! 
  • Raise your energy vibration!
How to raise your vibration: my method
  • Practice positive affirmations
  • Practise gratitude (I suggest my gratitude diary to help you put the exercises into practice on a daily basis and anchor gratitude in your heart).
  • Write down everything that's going well in your life
  • Spend time with loved ones
  • Walk in nature
  • Admire your surroundings
  • Watch a film that gives you positive emotions
  • Listen to music that puts you in a good mood
  • Sing, dance, jump, turn on yourself
  • By meditating (find my meditations online)

If you'd like to go further, if you feel the need for support, let's make an initial appointment together. 

I'll help you to understand the source of your stress and how to reduce it so that you can live your life with joy, love and fulfilment.




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